Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science
Leadership and innovation through research and education excellence to shape safe, effective and humane justice systems and forensic mental health services.
About us
The Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science provides academic and clinical excellence in forensic mental health research and practice. We bring together academics, clinicians, researchers and students from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, psychiatry, nursing, social work, law, occupational therapy and epidemiology.
Our research, consulting services and professional development and training programs have strengthened the field of forensic behavioural science in Australia and overseas.
Our mission is to create new knowledge through rigorous, clinically informed and service-oriented research that improves our understanding of people who are at risk of offending, people who are already justice involved, and people who are the victims of crime, as well as the systems responsible for their care and management.
We harness additional expertise through our affiliations and collaborations. In particular, we have a strong partnership with the Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health (Forensicare), serving as Forensicare’s research and training arm.
We also have a long record of collaborating with other general and forensic mental health and correctional services, as well as international experts.

Our research
We engage in a broad range of clinical, epidemiological and experimental research within seven key research streams.
Our study options
We offer postgraduate research and clinical qualifications, online graduate degrees and single unit enrolments.
Our professional development and training
We provide professional development and training that optimises the delivery of health, social and criminal justice services.
Our consulting services
We provide consultation, evaluation and primary research services across correctional and health settings.
Our publications and products
Read our publications and reports or explore our products for forensic mental health professionals, including manuals available for purchase.
Prato 2025 Conference
Safer communities: Creating better outcomes for justice involved people
Hosted by Swinburne University of Technology and Monash University, this conference seeks to bring together practitioners, legal decision makers, advocates, researchers and policy contributors to explore ways of responding to criminal behaviour and the people who commit criminal acts – creating lasting positive impacts for people of all ages.

The conference will be held in Prato, which is the second largest city within Italy's region of Tuscany.
Our objectives and strategies

Strategic Plan 2023–2028
What is forensic behavioural science?
Forensic behavioural science concerns the study of the relationship between human behaviour and offending, including:
- understanding how criminal behaviour is produced and what might be done to prevent such behaviour
- informing practice in the field of forensic mental health
- assisting professionals responsible for the assessment and treatment of the mentally disordered whose behaviour has led, or could lead, to offending
- influencing the way that law enforcement, courts and criminal justice systems identify and manage offenders.
Get updates directly from us
To receive regular updates from the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science, please sign up to our mailing list.
Our events
- Research Impact
- Engagement
Prato 2025 – Safer Communities: Creating better outcomes for justice involved people
This Prato 2025 ‘Safer Communities’ conference is designed to bring together practitioners, legal decision makers, advocates, researchers and policy contributors to explore new and different ways of responding to criminal behaviour and the people who commit criminal acts, creating lasting positive impacts for people of all ages.
- Research Impact
- Health
- Law
- Psychology
5th Australasian Youth Justice Conference 2024. Strengthening Connections: The Power of Relationships and Strong Service Partnerships
In collaboration with the Department of Justice and Community Safety Victoria, the Australasian Youth Justice Administrators (AYJA) will partner with Swinburne University of Technology to deliver the 5th Australasian Youth Justice Conference: Strengthening Connections: The Power of Relationships and Strong Service Partnerships. This three-day conference seeks to bring together policy contributors, clinicians, legal decision makers, advocates, researchers and those with lived experience to work together and learn from each other through presentations, keynote addresses, Q & A, and panel discussions.
Register now (5th Australasian Youth Justice Conference 2024. Strengthening Connections: The Power of Relationships and Strong Service Partnerships) -
- Research Impact
- Health
- Psychology
Understanding, Assessing, and Treating Adult Firesetting
This two day workshop will provide attendees with the latest knowledge on deliberate firesetting including common characteristics of and theoretical explanations for adult firesetting, current evidence-based approaches for assessment and treatment of adult deliberate firesetting including psychometric tools that can assist in identification of treatment needs, and current best practice in risk assessment.
Register now (Understanding, Assessing, and Treating Adult Firesetting)
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Contact the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science
There are many ways to engage with us. Whether you’re a student, from the media or an organisation interested in our professional development and training programs or consulting services, contact us on +61 3 9214 3887 or via cfbs@swinburne.edu.au.