Independent advocacy for students
Free, confidential advice is available to students that may be facing academic or disciplinary issues to help you manage your situation and to get back on track.
If you’re having an issue with your academic progress, or with your experience at Swinburne, you can get advice and assistance from an advocacy officer, which is a free, confidential and independent service.
Swinburne advocacy officers can:
- help you resolve issues with your lecturers or teachers or with the university
- talk you through processes for complaints and grievances
- assist with unsatisfactory progress concerns
- provide support and advice during disciplinary matters
- explain Swinburne’s policies and procedures and provide realistic assessments of your concerns
- advocate for you at official hearings and meetings
- refer you to external or other Swinburne services where appropriate.
Advocacy officers can also help you draft responses to Show Cause notices that deem your performance unsatisfactory.
Show Cause submissions
If your academic performance drops below our minimum standard, you may receive a Show Cause notice. If this happens, you’ll be required to explain to the university through a formal submission why you have had unsatisfactory progress and what you will do in the future to ensure you pass your units.
If you’re unable to satisfy the university with your submission, your enrolment may be cancelled. Swinburne advocacy officers can assist you with Show Cause submisisons. We also offer the following tip sheets, guides and templates to help.
Higher Education students
Swinburne Online Higher Education students
Need Show Cause assistance?
Students who have received a Show Cause notification are encouraged to attend a free webinar support session.
Swinburne Online students
Swinburne on-campus students
Education Placement students
Academic progress reviews
To keep track of your performance, Swinburne conducts academic progress reviews of your results multi times a year. These reviews let us know if you need any help with your studies. Find out what you need to do if you’re classes as ‘at risk’ or asked to ‘show cause’.
Need assistance?
Advocacy services are offered via email, telephone, video call and in-person. We prioritise urgent cases with sensitive deadlines. If you require urgent assistance, please call +61 3 9214 5445 or email advocacy@swinburne.edu.au directly to request an appointment with our advocacy officers.