Our publications and products
Read Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science reports and publications — including journal articles, conference papers and other academic works by our researchers — and explore other Centre products for forensic mental health professionals, including manuals available for purchase.
Our annual research reports

Annual Research Report 2022-2023
Read previous annual reports
Our manuals
We have two manuals for forensic mental health professionals available for purchase.
The Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression (DASA)
This is a structured measure used by unit staff to assess risk of imminent (within the next 24 hours) aggression by patients in psychiatric hospitals and other secure settings.
The Aggression Prevention Protocol (APP)
This manual is designed to be used in conjunction with DASA to provide staff with guidance about how to intervene to prevent violence for patients presenting with different levels of risk.
Catalyst Consortium publications
We received a grant from the Victorian Corrections Minister in 2017 to establish the Catalyst Consortium, conducting research into serious violent and sexual offending. The Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health has contributed additional funding to ensure the work extends to forensic mental health consumers and forensic mental health services.

Australian Risk Assessment Tools Evaluation Directory (Aus-RATED)

Validity of common risk assessment measures for women incarcerated for serious violent offences in Victoria

An examination of the validity of the Level of Service Inventory-Revised Screening Version, Level of Service / Risk, Need, Responsivity, and Violence Risk Scale in a sample of Australian males incarcerated for serious violent offences

Comparison of rolling and closed group treatment programs for sexual offenders

An analysis of the criminogenic needs of incarcerated serious violent offenders with an intellectual disability

The challenge of predicting imminent sexual and violent offending

Effectiveness of psychological treatments for violent offenders in custodial, community and forensic mental health settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Reoffending outcomes of people managed under the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 (VIC) ('CMIA')

Are psychological treatments for adult violent offenders associated with change in dynamic risk factors? A meta-analysis of intermediate treatment outcomes
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Contact the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science
There are many ways to engage with us. Whether you’re a student, from the media or an organisation interested in our professional development and training programs or consulting services, contact us on +61 3 9214 3887 or via cfbs@swinburne.edu.au.