Where has my exam timetable gone?

Most of our traditional exams have been replaced with final assessments. Details of assessment schedules are accessible via your Canvas Shell.

Timetable for units that may have an invigilated exam will be published on Student One.

Final assessment timetable errors

If you’re unsure about information regarding your assessment timetable, don't panic. It may be an error in the system or it may be some other problem. So, the first step is to make sure what you're seeing is actually an error. 

Swinburne may schedule you to sit for more than two assessments within a 24-hour period. This is not a mistake and is not defined as an assessment timetable clash.

Check your enrolment details 

This is the easiest way to check whether your units and scheduled final assessments match up. Please double-check your enrolment record

Check whether your unit has a scheduled final assessment 

It may be that your unit doesn’t have a scheduled final assessment at all. Log in to your unit Canvas Shell for more information and contact your convenor if needed. 

What to do if you identify an error 

Although rare, errors can occur. If you’ve identified a legitimate error in your assessment timetable, please contact assessment@swinburne.edu.au immediately. Your query will be responded to as soon as possible. 

What to do if you identify a clash

Submit an Examination Clash Notification form. Swinburne will investigate your issue and notify you of an outcome. Contact assessment@swinburne.edu.au if a clash has arisen with your scheduled assessments. Please note that sitting two assessments within a 24-hour period is not considered a clash.

Trouble attending your final assessments 

Check your unit Canvas Shell to see if you will have final assessments. If you have final assessments, you must ensure you are available to complete all of your assessments. 

You must be available for the full assessment period and special assessment period. Do not book a holiday for these dates.

Illness and special circumstances

You can only miss a final assessment and be given an opportunity to sit at a later date under very special circumstances.

If you experience exceptional circumstances or are ill, check whether you are eligible to apply for special consideration or an alternate assessment arrangement.

These arrangements are for cases that meet specific conditions. If you have a disability or long-term health condition, you can apply for an equitable assessment arrangements.

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