Academic progress and reviews
It's important to keep track of your results, and to help you do this, we review your academic progress. These reviews let you know how you're performing and what you need to do if you're advised you're 'at risk' or asked to 'show cause'.
‘At risk’ notifications
Why have I received an 'at risk' notification?
If we think that you’re having difficulties with your studies, we may send you an email to notify you that you’re at risk of falling below Swinburne’s academic standards. This is known as an 'at risk' notification.
If you’re a part-time local student:
- you failed more than 50% of your enrolled units, credit points or scheduled hours in any one progress review period (this includes a Withdrawn Fail or WF – withdrawing after the census date) and/or
- you failed an enrolled unit (or its equivalent) for a second time.
If you’re a full-time local or international student:
- you failed 50% or more of your enrolled units, credit points or scheduled hours in any one progress review period (this includes WF) and/or
- you failed an enrolled unit (or its equivalent) for a second time.
If you’re an ELICOS student, you failed your ELICOS unit for the first time.
If you’re a Professional Degree student you have special academic progress requirements. Check the 'course rules and special requirements' link on your course page for more details.
What do I need to do if I'm 'at risk'?
If you’re 'at risk', we encourage you to access our free support services.
If you pass all of your units in the next study period, you will no longer be considered 'at risk'.
If your progress hasn’t improved at the end of the next review period, you may be asked to show cause.
‘Show cause’ notifications
What do I do if I’m asked to 'show cause'?
If you are 'at risk' and continue to experience difficulties with your studies, we may send you an email asking you to 'show cause'. You’ll be given the opportunity to make a show cause submission to explain why you’re having difficulties with your academic work.
Why would I receive a 'show cause' request?
If you’re a part-time local student:
- you failed more than 50% of your enrolled units, credit points or scheduled hours for two consecutive progress review periods (this includes a Withdrawn Fail, withdrawing after census date), and/or
- you failed a unit (or its equivalent) for a third time.
If you’re a full-time local or International student:
- you failed 50% or more of your enrolled units, credit points or scheduled hours for two consecutive Progress Review Periods (this includes Withdrawn Fail), and/or
- you failed a unit (or its equivalent) for a third time.
If you’re an ELICOS student, you failed your ELICOS unit for a second time.
If you’re a professional degree student you have special academic progress requirements. Check the 'course rules and special requirements' link on your course page for more details.
What do I have to do if I'm asked to show cause?
You must submit an online show cause submission within five working days of the date of the show cause notification email. If you fail to do this, you may be automatically excluded from your course.
Your submission should:
- describe any circumstances that impacted on your ability to study and explain how these issues affected your studies
- describe any solutions or protective measures that you have put in place to overcome these circumstances
- include original or certified copies of any documentation that supports the circumstances that impacted on you e.g. doctor's certificate, counsellor's statement, statutory declaration.
If you submit documentation in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by a certified translation. Swinburne Online students must complete the Swinburne Online Show Cause form.
ELICOS student should follow the instructions given in their Show Cause letter.
What if I can't meet the submission deadline?
If you have experienced circumstances beyond your control, and have documentation to prove it, you must contact your school's Progress Team within five working days of the date of the 'show cause' notification. The progress team contacts are listed below:
- Business and Law: FBLStudentprogress@swinburne.edu.au
- Health, Arts and Design: FHADStudentprogress@swinburne.edu.au
- Science, Engineering and Technology: FSETStudentprogress@swinburne.edu.au
- Foundation Year and UniLink: FP-progressions@swinburne.edu.au
- Vocational Education: VE-progressions@swinburne.edu.au.
Who can help me prepare a submission?
Swinburne Student Life's independent advocacy service can help you prepare a show cause submission.
There are Student Life offices on each campus. Make an appointment by calling +61 3 9214 5445 or emailing studentlife@swinburne.edu.au. Read the Show Cause Submission Guide.
What happens after I make my submission?
Your show cause submission will be evaluated. A decision will then be made as to whether you will:
be able to continue your course, with or without conditions, or
be excluded.
If you’re allowed to continue your course, make sure you follow the conditions and take advantage of the support services available to you. If you pass all of your units in the next study period, your academic status will return to good standing.
Are your details up to date?
Make sure you keep us updated with your current mobile phone number, as we may send you important alerts via SMS. Also, remember to check your Swinburne student email account regularly, even during semester breaks.
Not updating your contact number or not checking your student email are not considered acceptable excuses for failing to respond to a submission request or not attending a meeting.
Can I apply for a review of a 'show cause' decision?
Under the Review and Appeals Regulations 2012, you are entitled to apply for a review of a 'show cause' or progress review decision.
You must lodge an application for review within 21 working days of receiving a notification of the decision. Read more on reviews and appeals or read our Complaints, Review, Appeals and Feedback Policy.
Visit Appeals for more information.
Additional academic progress requirements
If you are studying one of the following courses or have a merit-based scholarship, there are special requirements you need to meet in addition to the standard academic progress rules.
If you are studying one of these courses, check the information under ‘Academic progress – special requirements’ on the relevant page:
- Bachelor of Accounting and Business Information Technology (Professional) – see special requirements
- Bachelor of Business Information Technology (Professional) – see special requirements
- Bachelor of Education (Primary) – see special requirements
- Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Teaching) – see special requirements
- Bachelor of Education (Secondary) / Bachelor of Arts – see special requirements
- Bachelor of Education (Secondary) / Bachelor of Science – see special requirements
- Bachelor of Education (Secondary) / Bachelor of Business – see special requirements
- Master of Teaching (Primary) – see special requirements
- Master of Teaching (Secondary) – see special requirements
- All professional degrees – check the ‘course rules and special requirements' link on your course page for special requirements.
Progress review periods
We conduct progress reviews at different times of the year depending on what type of student you are.
Progress Review Period 1 includes:
- Summer Term
- Semester 1
- Term 1
- Term 2
- Study Period 4 (previous year)
- Study Period 1
- Teaching Period 3 (Previous Year)
- Teaching Period 1
- ECTA Teaching 1
- ECTA Teaching 3
- ECTA Teaching 4
- Higher Education Semester (February)
- Higher Education Semester (September)
- Higher Education Semester (January)
- Higher Education Semester (March)
- Higher Education Block 1
- Higher Education Block 2
- NICA Semester 1
- Quarter 1
Progress Review Period 2 includes:
- Winter Term
- Semester 2
- Term 3
- Term 4
- Study Period 2
- Study Period 3
- Teaching Period 2
- ECTA Teaching 2
- HE Semester (June)
- HE Semester (August)
- HE Semester (May)
- HE Semester (September)
- Higher Education Block 3
- Higher Education Block 4
- Higher Education Block 5
- Higher Education Block 6
- Higher Education Block 7
- Higher Education Block 8
*The progress review periods for courses with special requirements may vary from the above.
Progress Review Period 1 includes all units with results due between 1 January and 30 June.
Progress Review Period 2 includes all units with results due between 1 July and 31 December.
Progress Review Period 1: held at the beginning of February annually; includes Teaching Period 3 (previous year).
Progress Review Period 2: held at the beginning of June annually; includes Teaching Period 1.
Progress Review Period 3: held at the beginning of October annually; includes Teaching Period 2.
Progress Review Period 1 includes all units completed in Teaching Period 1.
Progress Review Period 2 includes all units completed in Teaching Period 2.
Progress Review Period 3 includes all units completed in Teaching Period 3.
Progress Review for ELICOS students takes place at the end of each five week teaching block.
If you fail an ELICOS unit for the first time then you will be considered At Risk. If you fail the unit for a second time then you will be asked to Show Cause.
Academic progress policies
Swinburne's academic review process is covered by the following policy and regulatory documents:
Are you an international VE student?
If you’re an international vocational education (VE) student, we follow the regulator-approved policy. View the Academic progress for international Vocational Education students [PDF, 95KB].
Keep on exploring
Reviews and appeals
You may apply for a review or appeal a University decision. Learn more about the review and appeal process as well as your right to request an external review or appeal.
Understanding your academic results
Find everything you need to know about accessing and understanding your academic results here at Swinburne.
Find out all you need to know about the graduation process and the formalities involved with completing your course.
Academic integrity
Academic integrity is about presenting academic work in a moral, ethical and honest way. It means using ideas, knowledge and information to develop your own insights.