Cisco Networking Laboratory
At Swinburne, our Networking Laboratory can be used to build large-scale broadband networks and provides industry-accredited Cisco training for students studying electrical and telecommunications engineering and networking.
The Cisco Networking Laboratory here at Swinburne is used to train the next generation of telecommunications engineers and data networking specialists. Each student workstation can set-up, control and enable a wide range of real-world networking environments, from small to extremely large and complex networks.
With more than 200 routers, 200 switches and 50 firewalls, the lab is one of the largest in an Australian teaching institution. It is better equipped than some internet service providers, allowing students to gain extensive experience on real networks.

Cisco Networking Laboratory
Swinburne's Networking Laboratory can be used to build large-scale broadband networks and provides industry-accredited Cisco training for students studying electrical and telecommunications engineering and networking.
Advanced virtualisation technology
Utilising our in-house SmartRack solution coupled with advanced virtualisation technologies, the lab provides a scalable and extensible environment for designing, building, and testing real network platforms.
SmartRack is a combination of technologies which are used for the teaching of Cisco related curriculum.
The technologies include:
- Physical Cisco hardware
- Remote power control and remote console access
- Virtual Area Network (VAN)
- VMware Player
- VM Launcher and high-speed Virtual Machine (VM) downloader
- Gordon for installing images onto the Cisco equipment
- SmartRack servers
- SmartRack website
- NetControl automated student assessment server.
Related courses
- Technology
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As part of its Future Ready Learners strategy, Swinburne has launched new state-of-the-art networking labs.Wednesday 14 March 2018
Contact the Cisco Networking Laboratory team
Whether you’re a PhD student, media, or an organisation looking to collaborate and partner with us, please contact Dr Jason But, Chair, Department of Telecommunications, Electrical, Robotics and Biomedical Engineering on +61 3 9214 4839 or via jbut@swinburne.edu.au