Chemistry and biotechnology laboratories
Our chemistry and biotechnology laboratories here at Swinburne support a range of teaching activities as well as applied and industrial research in chemistry, biochemistry, environmental science and biotechnology.
Our laboratory capabilities are linked to research activities in a wide range of areas and facilitate partnerships with external partners via collaborations and contract research projects.
We have equipment and technological expertise in the following areas.
Biotechnology and sustainability
- Molecular biology
- Biological culture (microbiology, cell biology including stem cells, plant, small aquatic organisms)
- Biological containment facilities
- Microscopy (confocal, other specialised)
- Cell analysis (flow cytometry and optical tweezers)
- Bioreactors and biodegradation studies
- Food, water and other environmental sample analysis
Physical and analytical chemistry
- Mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF, liquid chromatography (LC-MS), gas chromatography (GC-MS))
- Surface and materials analysis (Raman, AFM, XPS, SPR, XRD, Contact Angles, SEM, ATR-FTIR, particle sizer, particle image velocity detector, zeta potential, surface modification)
- ICP-AES, Electrochemical workstations, Ion chromatography
- Computational chemistry (access to the Swinburne GPU Supercomputer and computational software, high powered Mac workstation)
- Our researchers are also big users of both the Australian national fabrication facility and the Australian synchrotron.
Plates used on the MALDI-TOF to detect different types of bacteria isolated from environmental samples.
Bioreactors used for studying fungal and bacterial growth from industrial and agricultural samples.
Quantifying nucleic acid on a nano-drop spectrophotometer.
Observing the growth of cells under a microscope for biomedical research.
A member of our research team working in our laboratory.
Want to access this facility?
It’s available for Swinburne students and staff as well as researchers from other universities to use. Just use our handy online booking system.
Related courses
Study a Swinburne biochemistry degree and you could contribute to real medical breakthroughs. Learn about molecules, proteins, enzymes, microbiology and DNA. -
Turn scientific insights into commercial innovations with a Swinburne biotechnology degree. Study at the intersection of biology, microbiology and statistics. -
Swinburne chemistry courses and degrees offer diverse career opportunities in manufacturing, the environment, science and farming, plus scope for further study. -
Environmental Science
An Environmental Science degree or course equips you with the skills to help solve environmental challenges. TAFE, bachelor and postgraduate degrees available.
Contact the Chemistry and Biotechnology Laboratory
If you’re a PhD student, media, or an organisation looking to collaborate and partner with us, or have questions related to our facilities please contact Tracy Murray (Laboratory Manager) via tmurray@swinburne.edu.au or call +61 3 9214 5965.