Facility and equipment bookings
The Optical Sciences Centre laboratories and equipment are available for Swinburne students and staff as well as researchers from other universities to use.
The Optical Sciences Centre facilities and equipment are available to use between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Before using these facilities you must complete online and onsite inductions. Depending on your intended use of the facilities or project, you may also need to complete other training and tests including:
chemical training
laser safety training
laser eye test.
Note: Bookings and access to laboratories are only available once all training is completed.
Make a booking
Swinburne students and staff
Swinburne students and staff must register with Swinburne’s ACLS booking system to book laboratories online.
External users
External users, including researchers from other universities, can make a booking by emailing sprint@swinburne.edu.au.
Nanofabrication Laboratory and Solar Facility fee schedule
Access to these facilities is granted on the basis of fee-for-service, collaboration-for-service or a combination of both. You cannot commence using these facilities until a signed access agreement has been completed and specific SUTNFS project number provided as part of the SUTNFS access procedure (refer to SUTNFS-SFAPP-V1.1).
See the pricing schedule for the two facilities:
Note: Pricing is indicative only; final costs will depend on the nature and duration of your project.
Cancellation policy
If you’ve made a booking and need to cancel, please give as much notice as possible out of consideration for other researchers.
In the event of a cancellation, the following charges will apply:
More than 24 hours from booking — no charge
Less than 24 hours from booking — full charge
Please note:
If the allocated slot is filled by another booking, the cancellation charge will be waived.
Delays of more than 30 minutes will result in the cancellation of the booking and a full charge to the project. The user is responsible for ensuring that they arrive at least 15 minutes before the actual booking to allow for preparation of work to be completed.
A full charge will be applied for the cancellation of a user due to insufficient time to review risk assessments or material review. All risk assessments for new material must be submitted 2 weeks prior to project commencement.
No charge will be applied for cancellations resulting from malfunctions or unforeseen urgent maintenance of equipment or facility.
If there are extenuating circumstances for a late cancellation, application for special consideration must be made in writing to sprint@swinburne.edu.au.
Acknowledgement policy
We require researchers to acknowledge Swinburne in all research publications that are published as a result of using our facilities. Please include the following acknowledgement in your publication and report new publications to our technical engineers: “This research was performed/partially performed in the _______ laboratories at Swinburne University of Technology”.
Acknowledgement incentives
We offer $100 equivalent usage credits to researchers who correctly acknowledge our facilities in their research papers.
Find out more about other facilities and equipment
Swinburne supports innovative and cutting-edge research by investing in state-of-the-art research facilities and specialised equipment.