The Swinburne Babylab is a research facility that uses innovative techniques to explore cognitive, social and brain development in infants and children.
The Babylab is based within our Centre for Mental Health in Melbourne. Directed by Dr Jordy Kaufman, Babylab aims to publish high quality, evidence-based research that is of benefit to early childhood programs and educators to help improve the developmental outcomes of all young children, and in particular, children who experience delayed development.
How does your child think?
Help advance our research and participate in our infant and child development research projects.
Our research
The Babylab conducts several leading research projects across a range of age groups and covers a range of topics using a variety of methods to explore different aspects of child development.
In order to conduct the research, and to further the understanding of the mind and behaviour of infants and young children, a range of advanced research techniques are utilised.
These techniques include behavioural eye tracking, which measures observable changes in development. For example, whether babies prefer faces over objects, as well as electrophysiological methods which track changes that occur to brain activity when resting or responding to tasks such as whether babies detect subtle changes in tone.
Huber, B., Meyer, D., & Kaufman, J. (2020) Young children’s contingent interactions with a touchscreen influence their memory for spatial and narrative content, Media Psychology, 23:4, 552-578, DOI: 10.1080/15213269.2019.1611451
Martin, D. U., Perry, C., & Kaufman, J. (2020). Effects of a mirror on young children's transgression in a gift-delay task. The British journal of developmental psychology, 38(2), 205–218. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjdp.12312
Martin, D. U., MacIntyre, M. I., Perry, C., Clift, G., Pedell, S., & Kaufman, J. (2020). Young Children's Indiscriminate Helping Behavior Toward a Humanoid Robot. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 239. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00239
Fogarty, A., Giallo, R., Wood, C., Kaufman, J., & Brown, S. (2020). Emotional-behavioral resilience and competence in preschool children exposed and not exposed to intimate partner violence in early life. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 44(2), 97–106. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165025419830241
Fogarty, A., Woolhouse, H., Giallo, R., Wood, C., Kaufman, J., & Brown, S. (2019). Mothers' Experiences of Parenting Within the Context of Intimate Partner Violence: Unique Challenges and Resilience. Journal of interpersonal violence, 886260519883863. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260519883863
Fogarty, A., Woolhouse, H., Giallo, R., Wood, C., Kaufman, J., & Brown, S. (2019). Promoting resilience and wellbeing in children exposed to intimate partner violence: A qualitative study with mothers. Child abuse & neglect, 95, 104039. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2019.104039
Martin, D. U., Perry, C., MacIntyre, M., Varcoe, L., Pedell, S., & Kaufman, J. (2019). Investigating the nature of Children's altruism using a social humanoid robot. Computers in Human Behavior. 104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2019.09.025
Fogarty, A., Wood, C.E., Giallo, R., Kaufman, J., & Hansen, M. (2019). Factors promoting emotional‐behavioural resilience and adjustment in children exposed to intimate partner violence: A systematic review. Aust J Psychol. 71: 375– 389. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajpy.12242
Brzozek, C., Benke, K. K., Zeleke, B. M., Croft, R. J., Dalecki, A., Dimitriadis, C., Kaufman, J., Sim, M. R., Abramson, M. J., & Benke, G. (2019). Uncertainty Analysis of Mobile Phone Use and Its Effect on Cognitive Function: The Application of Monte Carlo Simulation in a Cohort of Australian Primary School Children. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(13), 2428. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16132428
Allen, M., Perry, C., & Kaufman, J. (2018). Toddlers prefer to help familiar people. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 174, 90-102.
Huber, B., Highfield, K., & Kaufman, J. (2018). Detailing the digital experience: Parent reports of children’s media use in the home learning environment. British Journal of Educational Technology. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12667
Huber, B., Yeates, M., Meyer, D., Fleckhammer, L., & Kaufman, J. (2018). The effects of screen media content on young children’s executive functioning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 170, 72–85.
Kaufman, J., Highfield, K., Guy, J., Leung, S., & Wallis, K. (2017). Research and evaluation of screen time and digital technology: Report to the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. Melbourne, Australia: Swinburne University of Technology. https://docs.education.gov.au/system/files/doc/other/final_report_-_screen_time_and_digital_technology_-_20180215.pdf
Kaufman, J., Leung, S., Perry, C., Tarasuik, J., Highfield, K., Guy, J., & the Swinburne Babylab team. (2017). Evaluation of the Early Learning Languages Australia apps: Final report to the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. Melbourne, Australia: Swinburne University of Technology. https://docs.education.gov.au/node/45071
Bhatt, C. R., Benke, G., Smith, C. L., Redmayne, M., Dimitriadis, C., Dalecki, A., Macleod, S., Sim, M. R., Croft, R. J., Wolfe, R., Kaufman, J., & Abramson, M. J. (2017). Use of mobile and cordless phones and change in cognitive function: a prospective cohort analysis of Australian primary school children. Environmental health: a global access science source, 16(1), 62. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-017-0250-4
Martin, D. U., Pedell, S., & Kaufman, J. (2017). Comparing apples with pears? In Proceedings of the 29th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction - OZCHI ’17 (pp. 518–522). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.
Tarasuik, J., Demaria, A., & Kaufman, J. (2017). Transfer of Problem Solving Skills from Touchscreen to 3D Model by 3- to 6-Year-Olds. Frontiers in Psychology, 8.
Huber, B., Tarasuik, J., Antoniou, M. N. M. N., Garrett, C., Bowe, S. J., & Kaufman, J. (2016). Young children’s transfer of learning from a touchscreen device. Computers in Human Behavior, 56, 56–64.
Leung, S., Mareschal, D., Rowsell, R., Simpson, D., Iaria, L., Grbic, A., & Kaufman, J. (2016). Oscillatory Activity in the Infant Brain and the Representation of Small Numbers. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 10, 4. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnsys.2016.00004
Redmayne, M., Smith, C. L., Benke, G., Croft, R. J., Dalecki, A., Dimitriadis, C., Kaufman, J., Macleod, S., Sim, M. R., Wolfe, R., & Abramson, M. J. (2016). Use of mobile and cordless phones and cognition in Australian primary school children: a prospective cohort study. Environmental health : a global access science source, 15, 26. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-016-0116-1
Hirsh-Pasek, K., Zosh, J. M., Golinkoff, R. M., Gray, J. H., Robb, M. B., & Kaufman, J. (2015). Putting Education in “Educational” Apps: Lessons From the Science of Learning. Psychological Science in the Public Interest (Vol. 16).
Tarasuik, J., Galligan, R., & Kaufman, J. (2013). Seeing is Believing but is Hearing? Comparing Audio and Video Communication for Young Children. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 64.
Tarasuik, J., Galligan, R., & Kaufman, J. (2011). Almost being there: video communication with young children. PloS One, 6(2), e17129.
Current research projects
Some of our current research projects are investigating the impacts of technology use on domains of children’s learning, language, and prosocial behaviour. This technology includes touchscreen use, robot interaction and virtual reality.
Infant research
Our infant research projects help to advance our understanding of the cognitive, social and development of the infant brain. Learn more about our research.
Toddler and children research
We are exploring a range of research topics with young children from the affect touchscreen device may have on development as well as altruism, ASD and virtual reality.
Parent research
At Swinburne Babylab, we are interested in gaining a greater understanding of parents’ views, beliefs and experiences on a range of topics. This is an opportunity to be part of the research process, even if you and your child can't visit us in the lab.
Study opportunities
We have opportunities for students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels to work with us here at Swinburne Babylab.
PhD and postgraduate opportunities
Postgraduate students have driven many of the Swinburne Babylab’s successes since its inception. We’re always looking for new postgraduate students who have a keen interest in the science of child development.
If you’re interested in pursuing research with us, please contact Jordy Kaufman via jkaufman@swinburne.edu.au
Student internships
The Swinburne Babylab recruits undergraduate students on an ongoing basis for our volunteer internship program. As an intern, you’ll gain research experience and expand your knowledge of child development.
You’ll also work with, and learn from, researchers at various stages in their academic careers.
Our people
Associate Professor Jordy Kaufman
Academic Director, Research Training
Paola Araiza |
PhD candidate |
Siobahn Marie James |
PhD candidate |
Investigating touch screen technology as a medium for delivering interventions for children with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder |
Jessica Guy |
PhD student |
Evaluation of the effectiveness of educational apps for children with and without an Autism Spectrum |
Mantavya Patel |
Masters student |
Georgia Clift |
Masters student |
Name | Position | Details |
Brittany Huber | Post-Doctoral Researcher |
Dororthea Martin |
Baby lab research in the media
Here Are The Educational Apps That Actually Work, According to Science.
Stop worrying about screen ‘time’. It’s your child’s screen experience that matters – The Conversation.
Aww! 12-month-old babies recognise emotional reactions and link them to their cause
50 Online Learning Tools That Will Keep the Kids Sharp All Summer
2016-02-01: Educational apps for kids
Bennelong Foundation
To examine brain activity in typically developing populations. This research is aimed at learning more about the development of autism.
Eric Ormond Baker Charitable Fund
To purchase technical equipment necessary for all aspects of infant cognitive neuroscience.
Percy Baxter Charitable Trust & The William Paxton Charitable Fund as managed by Perpetual
To learn about brain activity in babies with a biological parent with schizophrenia.
Fred P Archer Charitable Trust as managed by Trust Company Limited
To examine auditory processing as a potential risk indicator in infants with a familial risk for autism.
Heinz, Mustela, Nurture Magazine and Dick Smith Foods
To contribute towards participant thank-you bags.
Google Grants program
To explore tablet use by young children. This research aims to look at the positive and negative consequences of table use on learning and attention which will help to inform the decisions of parents and educators.
Australian Research Council
To examine how brain development in young babies allows them to remember hidden objects and faces.
Department of Education and Training (Australian Government)
To assess the educational quality of the (Early Learning Languages Australia) ELLA apps through cognitive, behavioural and qualitative measures.
Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute Intern Program
Using immersive virtual reality technology to inform public swimming pool lifeguard scanning for drowning prevention.
Workforce Training Innovation Fund
Safety at Work: an applied research project to integrate immersive experiential learning with positive behaviour support training in the disability sector (PAVE).
Approach to Market Fund Scheme
To research and evaluate the Screen time project.
Medical Device Partnering Program
To create a speech corpus of children, specifically for Australian English.
For further details on Swinburne Babylab’s funding arrangements, or to donate to the Swinburne Babylab, please contact Dr Jordy Kaufman via babylab@swinburne.edu.au.
Where is Swinburne Babylab located?
Swinburne Babylab is located on Level 4 of the Advanced Technologies Centre at Swinburne University of Technology, 427-451 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn (view our campus map).
Melway reference: 45 D10
Getting here by public transport:
Train - Belgrave or Lilydale line train to Glenferrie Station.
Tram - 74 tram to the corner of Glenferrie Road and Burwood Road, Hawthorn.
Do you have parking available?
Yes. We have a reserved parking space.
What age children are you looking for?
Currently we are conducting studies with children from 15 months to 8 years. Register your interest and we may contact you for future research participation.
Will I be with my child the whole time?
In all of our infant studies you will be with your child the entire time. In some of our studies with older children, you may be asked to watch via another room if your child is happy with this.
How long do visits last?
Visits to the Babylab typically last about an hour.
What kind of studies are you doing at the Babylab?
Depending on your child's age, there are a number of different studies that we may do. Find out more about our current research projects.
Can I bring my other children?
Yes, we have a baby and child-friendly waiting area with toys.
Is it safe?
Absolutely. Everything we do at the Babylab is safe and has been approved the university’s research ethics committee. Our top priority is for you and your child to have a good experience at the Swinburne Babylab.
Prior to your visit, we will explain everything the study will entail and answer any questions you may have.
Our recent news
- Design
Swinburne’s Get Talking App teaches hearing impaired infants to speak
The Get Talking App is an interactive early intervention tool that makes learning to talk funFriday 10 August 2018 -
- Health
App will teach infants with cochlear implants to speak
A team of Swinburne researchers is developing an app to teach infants with cochlear implants how to speak.Friday 31 March 2017 -
- Education
Childhood and the touchscreen revolution
Swinburne’s Babylab is exploring the way children interact with touchscreen computers.Friday 22 April 2016
Want to participate in our research?
To participate in any of our research projects, please register your interest by completing the online form so we can get in touch with you.