Applied Mechanics Hub
Hands-on, experiential learning
Equipped with state-of-the-art instruments, the Applied Mechanics Hub is a specialised teaching space that turns engineering theory into practical experience. Comprising specifically designed labs in thermodynamics, dynamics, structural and solid mechanics, students will begin bridging the gap between the classroom and industry from week one of their degree.
On this page
Explore the lab
The Applied Mechanics Hub is made up of labs uniquely designed for teaching and practising the fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering.
Dynamics Lab
Focusing on stress, deformation and stability of structural components, the dynamics lab is where students will test the mechanics of materials and structures, gathering real data to back up theory learnt in lectures.
Statics Lab
Using specialised experiment kits for truss and beam analysis, students undertake hands-on, experiential learning to make the fundamental connections between engineering concepts and their real-world applications.
Thermodynamics Lab
The home of heat transfer. Here, students will study heat exchanges and otto cycle engine performance.
Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Lab
In the Rapid Prototypic and Manufacturing Lab, students can use 3D printing and laser cutting equipment to manufacture parts for projects and research.
Student working with a heat convection measurement device
Students observing the operation of the TM 630 Gyroscope
Students working with a heat engine device.
Instructor demonstrating the TM 630 Gyroscope to a student in the Dynamics lab
Applied Mechanics Lab (Dynamics Lab) 12
Using the lab
The Applied Mechanics Hub is a primary teaching space for Bachelor of Engineering students, and is accessible for private study and experimental work from as early as first year. Along with fit-for-purpose labs, a workshop space is open to access traditional hand tools and work on projects.
Related courses
100 credit points towards this degree
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Applied Innovation
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Arts
Contact us
If you’re a PhD student, a professional or an organisation looking to partner with us or access our facility, please contact Professor Pat Rajeev: prajeev@swinburne.edu.au
The Applied Mechanics Hub provides equipment for collecting experimental data in thermodynamics, dynamics, structural and solid mechanics and prototyping, including:
Heat exchanger
Bending device
Buckling device
Torsion device
Thin-wall pressure vessel
Wooden pendulum
Rotational inertia accessory equipment
Rotating platform equipment
Device of Coriolis effect
Gyroscope (TM630)
Thick-walled pressure vessel
Circular plate
Kinematic model: four-joint link
Dynamic behaviour of multistage planetary gears
Free and forced vibrations
Static and Dynamic Balancing
Whirling shaft apparatus
Petrol engine
Heat conduction in metal device
Heat convection measurement device
Our team
Professor Akbar Rhamdhani: arhamdhani@swinburne.edu.au
Dr. Durul Huda: dhuda@swinburne.edu.au
Professor Guoxing Lu: glu@swinburne.edu.au
Associate Professor Jamal Naser: jnaser@swinburne.edu.au
Structural Mechanics
Dr. Shanqing Xu: sxu@swinburne.edu.au,
Professor Dong Ruan: druan@swinburne.edu.au
Solid Mechanics
Professor Xiaodong Huang: xhuang@swinburne.edu.au
Mechanical & Rapid Prototyping
Senior Technical Officer, Alexander Del Frate: adelfrate@swinburne.edu.au
Location and contact
EN Building, Level 2, Hawthorn campus
Professor Dong Ruan: druan@swinburne.edu.au