Social and Environmental Sustainability in Organisations Research Group
Social and Environmental Sustainability in Organisations Research Group (SESIO) combines the strengths of accounting and management scholarship. We examine organisational processes, structures and practices to promote social and environmental sustainability and business ethics.
At the Social and Environmental Sustainability in Organisations Research Group (SESIO), our projects integrate the study of behaviours, cultures, norms, ethics, performance and reporting for an interdisciplinary understanding of organisations’ contributions to sustainable practices in society.
SESIO’s aim is to produce knowledge that empowers organisations to effectively avoid unethical, socially and/or environmentally exploitive business practices.
The group functions as a nexus of knowledge sharing and innovation in sustainable organising. We connect academic researchers, industry researchers and practitioners from the business, government and civil society sectors, in Australia and internationally.
Featured projects
A selection of our current projects include:
Australian business and public sector entities’ engagement with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Using impact assessment to achieve the SDGs in Asia
Needs analysis and designing programs for building ethical capability for accounting professionals
Impacts of global engagement on the design, introduction and operation of codes of conduct for parliamentarians
Value and value creation in sustainable business models
Organisational responses to climate change
Users’ perceptions of integrated reporting and its relevance to the capital markets
Innovation for sustainable supply chain management: addressing the problem of modern slavery.
Management research, value distribution decision making and income inequality
Key sustainability issues in the strategic management of systemic social and environmental problems
Institutional entrepreneurship in inter-sector partnerships
Stakeholder influence on adoption of carbon management strategies by Australian listed companies
From environmental sustainability to ecological civilisation: changing the business school curriculum.
We collaborate with local and international partner organisations on our research projects.
Browse Social and Environmental Sustainability in Organisations Research Group's publications via our research repository.
Media and Conference:
Adams, C, ‘Integrating sustainability and the SDGs into University Strategy’, Advance HE - Let’s Talk Value Conference, London, UK February 2020
Melles, G, ‘Human-centred Design Thinking for Inclusive Growth in India: Choices’, 5th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development, India, Mysore, 15-16 November 2019
Abhayawansa, S, ‘business reporting for sustainability’, The role of accountants and economists in tackling today's big challenges, Yarra Valley Water, 23rd October 2019
Melles, G & Paixao-Barradas, S, ‘Human-centred Design Thinking for Inclusive Growth in India: Choices’, 7th International Conference on Research into Design, Bangalore, India, 2019
Neesham, C, Benkert, J & Abhayawansa, S, ‘Social and Environmental Sustainability in Universities’, Webinar organised by the University of Melbourne on Sustainable Tertiary Education Leadership and Governance
Neesham, C. & Tsahuridu, E. ‘Assessing and Improving Professional Accountants’ Ethical Capability’. International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) - Global Knowledge Gateway, 17 April 2018
Neesham, C. ‘Banking royal commission has some thinking it’s the customer’s fault. Here’s why they’re wrong’. ABC Online, 24 March 2018
Adams, C. A. ‘Five steps businesses must take to reach their sustainable development goals’. Minute Hack, 22 March 2018
Neesham, C. ‘Big Idea: The Australian Parliament should have a code of conduct’. Politics HQ, Sky News, 16 February 2018
Benkert, J. ‘What businesses can do to stamp out slavery in their supply chains’. The Conversation, 17 August 2017
Our people
Name | Position | |
Associate Professor Subhash Abhayawansa (SESIO Co-Leader) | Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance | sabhayawansa@swinburne.edu.au |
Dr Julia Benkert (SESIO Co-Leader) | Lecturer, Management | jbenkert@swinburne.edu.au |
Professor Carol Adams | Professor of Accounting | caadams@swinburne.edu.au |
Associate Professor Gavin Melles | Associate Professor of Sustainability and Social Innovation | gmelles@swinburne.edu.au |
Professor Keryn Chalmers | Professor of Accounting; Dean, Swinburne Business School | kchalmers@swinburne.edu.au |
Adjunct Professor Ken Coghill | Adjunct Professor of Management | kcoghill@swinburne.edu.au |
Dr Ryan Jopp | Lecturer, Management | rjopp@swinburne.edu.au |
Professor Christine Jubb | Professor of Accounting | cjubb@swinburne.edu.au |
Dr Diana Rajendran | Senior Lecturer, Management | drajendran@swinburne.edu.au |
Dr Nandana Wasantha Pathiranage | Lecturer, Accounting | nwasanthapathiranage@swinburne.edu.au |
Dr Cheree Topple | Lecturer, Management | ctopple@swinburne.edu.au |
Dr Dina Wahyuni | Lecturer, Accounting | dwahyuni@swinburne.edu.au |
Dr Zihan Lu | Sessional Lecturer, Accounting | zihanliu@swinburne.edu.au |
Dr Calvin Wing Hoh Cheong | Lecturer in Finance | ccheong@swinburne.edu.my |
Professor Weng Marc Lim | Head of School, School of Business, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak | wlim@swinburne.edu.my |
Name | Position | Research topic |
Masum Al Syed | PhD candidate | Decision usefulness of integrated reporting |
Marco Biscaro | PhD candidate | Scaling a sustainable business model: research and applications for start-ups and SMEs |
Zhi Kai Chang | PhD candidate | Capital market impacts of the shift to mandatory CSR reporting |
Ridmi Gayanake | PhD candidate | Psychological determinants of customer willingness to install solar photovoltaic systems |
Jim Kapetangiannis | PhD candidate | Property development as a profession: protecting the public interest in good living |
Nayomi Wijesinghe | PhD candidate | Internal organisational drivers, challenges of Integrated Reporting (IR) and organisational changes of IR |
Anh Vo | PhD candidate | Economic consequences of climate change-related risks disclosure |
Minh Ngoc Ho | PhD candidate | The prospects for sustainability reporting in the banking sector: evidence from the socialist orientated market of Vietnam |
Stefan Lodewyckx | PhD candidate | Exploring the workings of the regulatory process: the case of endocrine disrupting chemicals |
Kevin Nguyen | PhD candidate | The association of CSR disclosure and stock liquidity |
Dan O'Sullivan | PhD candidate | The role of natural gas in meeting climate change targets: making sustainable energy supply choices |
Adam Scott | PhD candidate | Sustainability tensions within Australian environmental social enterprises |
Neelam Setia | PhD candidate | Transition from sustainability reporting to integrated reporting: an examination of the change in agenda for sustainability disclosures through the lens of stakeholder theory |
Linda Wedari | PhD candidate | GHG emissions: environmental, social and financial performance |
Name | Affiliation | |
Dr John Purcell | Senior Adviser, Sustainability Policy, CPA Australia SESIO Industry Advisor |
john.purcell@cpaaustralia.com.au |
Dr Timothy Nelson | Chief Economist, AGL / Associate Professor, Griffith University SESIO Industry Advisor |
tanelson@agl.com.au |
Dr Eva Tsahuridu | Industry Fellow, School of Accounting, RMIT University SESIO Industry Advisor |
eva.tsahuridu@rmit.edu.au |
Associate Professor Mohammad Azim | Associate Professor, School of Business and Law, Central Queensland University | m.azim@cqu.edu.au |
Dr Luckmika Perera | Director, Professional Education and Partnerships, Faculty of Business and Law, Deakin University | luckmika.perera@deakin.edu.au |
Professor Eric Pezet | Professor, University of Paris Nanterre (France) | eric.pezet@parisnanterre.fr |
Associate Professor Alejandro Agafonow | Associate Professor, ESSCA School of Management (France) | alejandro.agafonow@essca.fr |
Associate Professor Brent Beal | Associate Professor of Management, College of Business and Technology, University of Texas at Tyler (United States) | bbeal@uttyler.edu |
Associate Professor Jane Cote | Associate Professor of Accounting, Washington State University, Vancouver (United States) | janecote@wsu.edu |
Associate Professor Claire Kamm Latha | Associate Professor of Accounting, Washington State University, Vancouver (United States) | clatham@wsu.edu |
Dr Kirti Mishra | Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur (India) | kirti.mishra@iimu.ac.in |
Dr Cristina Neesham | Reader in Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility, Newcastle University (United Kingdom) | cristina.neesham@ncl.ac.uk |
Dr Evangeline Elijido-Ten | Senior Lecturer, Accounting, Swinburne University | eelijidoten@swinburne.edu.au |
Explore other research groups
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Information Systems for Social Impact Research Group
Social Psychology of Innovation Research Group
Sport Innovation Research Group
Tourism, Hospitality, and Destination Management Research Group
Contact the Social and Environmental Sustainability Research Group
Whether you’re a student, from the media or an organisation interested in partnering with us, please direct your general enquiry to sabhayawansa@swinburne.edu.au.