Leadership group

Academic staff

Name Contact details Roles
Dr Rebecca Allen


+61 3 9214 5014

Co-Director, Space Technology and Industry Institute
Distinguished Professor Matthew Bailes


+61 3 9214 8782

Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav)
Dr Kirsten Banks kbanks@swinburne.edu.au Lecturer; OzGrav Public Outreach and Engagement
Professor Chris Blake


+61 3 9214 8624

Research and Teaching Faculty
Distinguished Professor Jean Brodie


+61 3 9214 3533

CAS Director
Associate Professor Michelle Cluver


+61 3 9214 3484

Associate Professor, Galaxy Evolution
Professor Jeff Cooke


+61 3 9214 5392

Professor, OzGrav Chief Investigator; ASTRO 3D Associate Investigator
Professor Warrick Couch


+61 3 9214 3875

Distinguished Professor, Galaxy Evolution and Cosmology
Professor Darren Croton


+61 3 9214 5537

Research Professor
Dr Rebecca Davies rdavies@swinburne.edu.au ARC DECRA Fellow and STACK Technical Secretary
Professor Adam Deller


+61 3 9214 5307

Pulsar / Fast Radio Bursts Researcher
Professor Alan Duffy


+61 3 92143876

Pro Vice-Chancellor, Flagship Initiatives
Associate Professor Kim Ellis Hayes
kgellis@swinburne.edu.au Major Discipline Coordinator, Space Technology; Senior Lecturer
Associate Professor Deanne Fisher


+61 3 9214 4996

Associate Professor, Galaxies
Professor Christopher Fluke


+61 3 9214 5828

Director, Advanced Visualisation Laboratory
Professor Duncan Forbes


+61 3 9214 4392

Distinguished Professor Karl Glazebrook


+61 3 9214 4384

Distinguished Professor; Laureate Fellow
Professor Alister Graham


+61 3 9214 8784

Former ARC Future Fellow; Associate Investigator with OzGrav; Course Coordinator for Swinburne Astronomy Online (SAO)
Professor Jarrod Hurley


+61 3 9214 5787

Supercomputing Manager; Astronomy Data and Computing Services (ADACS) / Gravitational Wave Data Centre (GWDC) Lead; OzGrav Node Leader
Associate Professor Glenn Kacprzak


+61 3 9214 4384

Associate Professor, Circumgalactic Medium and Galaxy Evolution
Professor Virginia Kilborn


+61 3 9214 4380

Swinburne Chief Scientist
Associate Professor Ivo Labbe ilabbe@swinburne.edu.au Postdoc Coordinator
Dr Anais Möller amoller@swinburne.edu.au ARC DECRA Fellow & Senior Lecturer
Emeritus Professor Jeremy Mould


+61 3 9214 4921

Centre for Dark Matter Chief Investigator
Professor Michael Murphy


+61 3 9214 5818

CAS Deputy Director,  COMBS Chief Investigator
Dr Themiya Nanayakkara


+61 3 9214 8546

Astronomer at the James Webb Australian Data Centre
Dr Jade Powell


+61 3 9214 4873

ARC DECRA Fellow in Gravitational Wave Astrophysics
Professor Emma Ryan-Weber


+61 3 9214 4746

Director, ARC Centre for Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3D (ASTRO 3D)
Professor Ryan Shannon


+61 3 9214 5205

Dr Simon Stevenson


+61 3 9214 4841

OzGrav Postdoctoral Researcher and ARC DECRA Fellow
Associate Professor Ned Taylor


+61 3 9214 5165

Associate Professor, Observational Astrophysics and Cosmology
Dr Sara Webb swebb@swinburne.edu.au SAO Course Director, Research in Transient Astronomy,  SYSIC/SHINE Director, Microgravity Program Lead Space Technology and Industry Institute


Name Contact details Roles
Dr Brett Addison baddison2005@gmail.com Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dr Michael Beasley mikey.beasley@gmail.com Adjunct Professor Globular Clusters and Stellar Populations Research
Dr Andrew Cameron andrew.cameron13@gmail.com Pulsar Research Projects
Dr Mark Durré mdurre@swinburne.edu.au Adjunct Research Fellow
Dr Anna Ferre-Mateu aferremateu@gmail.com  
Associate Professor Kurt Liffman kliffman@swinburne.edu.au SAO Casual Lecturer; Higher Degree Supervisor
Dr Fan Liu fanliu@swinburne.edu.au Adjunct Research Fellow
Professor Sarah Maddison mad.maddison@gmail.com Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education & Student Experience at UNSW
Associate Professor Nikki Nielsen nikkimnielsen@gmail.com Adjunct Associate Professor - Circumgalactic Medium and Galaxy Evolution
Dr Rossi Ruggeri rruggeri@swinburne.edu.au Adjunct Postdoc, split between UQ and Swinburne
Dr. Mohsen Shamohammadi mshamohammadi@swinburne.edu.au Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr Jielai Zhang jielaizhang@swinburne.edu.au Adjunct Research Fellow; OzGrav Research Affiliate

Postdoctoral fellows

Name Contact details Roles
Dr Tania Barone tbarone@swinburne.edu.au Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dr Adam Batten abatten@swinburne.edu.au Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr Emma Carli ecarli@swinburne.edu.au OzGrav 2.0 Postdoc - Pulsars
Dr Harry Chittenden hchittenden@swinburne.edu.au Postdoctoral Research Associate in JWST Science
Dr Chris Flynn


+61 3 9214 8302

Pulsars, Fast Radio Bursts,  Radio Transients
Dr Jonah Gannon jgannon@swinburne.edu.au Director's Research Fellow
Dr Shreejit Jadhav spjadhav@swinburne.edu.au OzGrav Postdoc - GW Data Analysis and Instrumentation
Joscha Jahns-Schindler jjahnsschindler@swinburne.edu.au Postdoc – Fast Radio Bursts
Dr Marcus Lower mlower@swinburne.edu.au ARC DECRA Fellow - Pulsars, Magnetars and Fast Radio Bursts
Dr Barbara Mazzilli Ciraulo bmazzilliciraulo@swinburne.edu.au ASTRO 3D Postdoctoral Research Fellow; CAS Colloquia Co-Organiser
Dr Ben McAllister bmcallister@swinburne.edu.au Postdoctoral Fellow - Dark Matter Detection
Dr Toby Mitchell tjmitchell@swinburne.edu.au Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dr Robert Mostoghiu rmostoghiupaun@swinburne.edu.au ARC CDMPP Research Associate, Dark Matter Simulations
Dr Joel Pfeffer jpfeffer@swinburne.edu.au Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr Daniel Reardon


+61 3 9214 3329

OzGrav Postdoctoral Researcher, Pulsar Timing
Dr Agne Semenaite asemenaite@swinburne.edu.au Research Associate - Cosmology (Galaxy Clustering, Weak Lensing)
Dr Robert Song yuzhesong@swinburne.edu.au OzGrav Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr Ryan Turner rjturner@swinburne.edu.au Postdoctoral Researcher, Cosmology, Large-scale Structure and Peculiar Velocities
Dr. Yuanming Wang yuanmingwang@swinburne.edu.au Postdoctoral Fellow in Fast Radio Bursts

Technical, Outreach and Support staff

Name Contact details Roles
Eman Ali


+61 3 9214 1234

ADACS and OzSTAR Astronomy Software Support
Jackie Bondell


+61 3 9214 8351

OzGrav Education and Outreach Coordinator
Jes Cantos jcantos@swinburne.edu.au ADACS and OzSTAR Astronomy Software Support
Lauren Carter


+61 3 9214 3398

OzGrav Business and EDI Specialist
Dr Conrad Chan


+61 3 9214 5354

ADACS and OzSTAR Astronomy Software Support
Patrick Clearwater pclearwater@swinburne.edu.au GWDC / ADACS Software Developer
Dr Yeshe Fenner


+61 3 9214 8302

Chief Operating Officer, OzGrav
Will Gauvin wgauvin@swinburne.edu.au ADACS Senior Software Engineer
Diana Haikal dhaikal@swinburne.edu.au Senior Communications and Engagement Advisor
Andrew Jameson


+61 3 9214 5612

Senior Software Engineer
Carl Knox


+61 3 9214 8891

Digital Media and Marketing Officer
Lewis Lakerink llakerink@swinburne.edu.au Senior Software Engineer
Asher Leslie jaleslie@swinburne.edu.au GWDC / ADACS UX Designer and Software Engineer
Dr David Liptai


+61 3 9214 5354

ADACS and OzSTAR Astronomy Software Support
Mark Myers markmyers@swinburne.edu.au Education and Outreach Content Creator
Erin O'Grady


+61 3 9214 8246

Project Officer
Simon Parsons


+61 3 9214 5913

Research Administrator, ASTRO 3D and Dark Matter
Dr Greg Poole


+61 3 9214 5301

Astronomy Data Science Program Coordinator
Dr Shibli Saleheen


+61 3 9214 5064

ADACS Software Engineer
Ray Seikel rseikel@swinburne.edu.au Senior Software Engineer
Bec Todd


+61 3 9214 4520

ADACS and GWDC Research Coordinator; OzGrav Research Coordinator

Postgraduate students

Name Contact details Roles
Asha Abd aabd@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - JWST anomaly detection
Jasmine Anderson-Baldwin jandersonbaldwin@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Stellar Evolution and Star Clusters
Patricia Arens patricia.a.arens@gmail.com PhD student
Jacob Askew jaskew@swinburne.edu.au PhD student and Student Representative - Millisecond Pulsars
Amrita Banerjee amritabanerjee@swinburne.edu.au PhD student – Massive dead galaxies in the early history of the Universe, the evolution of the galaxies through cosmic time.
Aryan Bansal aryanbansal@swinburne.edu.au PhD Student - Observational Astrophysics and Cosmology
Adarsh Bathula abathula@swinburne.edu.au PhD student – Fast Radio Bursts
Michael Bradley 2496844@student.swinburne.edu.au PhD student
Brian Brady bbrady@swinburne.edu.au PhD Student - Astro Visualisation
Luisa Buzzo


+61 3 9214 4399

PhD student - Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies
Dylan Dance ddance@swinburne.edu.au PhD student
Lewis de Zoete 101606593@student.swinburne.edu.au Honors student - Astronomical Visual Inspection
Tyson Dial tdial@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Fast Radio Bursts
Rory Elliott roryelliott@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - High Redshift Galaxy Outflow Studies
Nimas Emas


+61 3 9214 8708

PhD student
Antonia Fernandez Figueroa


+61 3 9214 8708

PhD student
Jim Freeburn jfreeburn@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows
Pratyasha Gitika pgitika@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Pulsars
Lydia Haacke lhaacke@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Ultra Diffuse Galaxies
Magdalena Hamel Bravo mhamelbravo@swinburne.edu.au PhD student
Ray Hilton 103284166@student.swinburne.edu.au Masters by Research student - Optical detection of resident space objects
Tyler Hughes tjhughes@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Machine Learning Application in Astronomy
Akhil Jaini ajaini@swinburne.edu.au PhD Student – Fast Radio Bursts
Vanshika kansal vkansal@swinburne.edu.au PhD student – Weak lensing, Dark matter
Renee Key rkey@swinburne.edu.au PhD Student - Primordial Black Holes and Student Outreach Coordinator
Atharva Kulkarni adkulkarni@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Pulsar Studies
Arsen Levitskiy alevitskiy@swinburne.edu.au PhD Student - Ultra Diffuse Galaxies
Monse Martinez mmartinezmarin@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Machine Learning Galaxy Evolution
Ankita Mondal amondal@swinburne.edu.au PhD student – Galactic Archaeology
Aaron Myszka amyszka@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Galaxy Evolution
Ashwathi Nair ashwathinair@swinburne.edu.au PhD Student- Stellar astrophysics and Gravitational waves
Andrew Nguyen andnguyen@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Cosmology
Tamsyn O'Beirne tobeirne@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - HI and galaxy environment
Tony Pilkington


+61 3 9214 5787

PhD student - Globular Clusters
Lena Pless lpless@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - High Redshift Galaxies and Student Representative
Sparrow Roch sroch@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Pulsars
Stephanie Rowlands stephanierowlands@swinburne.edu.au PhD Student - Galaxy outflows at high redshift
Neal Salan nsalan@swinburne.edu.au Masters by Research student
Ben Scott benjaminscott@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Solar Twin / Quasar Probes of Electromagnetism's Strength
Alma Sebastian


+61 3 9214 4399

PhD student - XQR30
Raj Aryan Singh rasingh@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Axion Dark matter
Daniel Smith danielsmith@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Micro Optics in Astronomy
Mark Suhr msuhr@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Superluminous Supernovae
Adam Ussing aussing@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Dark Matter Simulations
Pavan Uttarkar puttarkar@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Fast Radio Bursts
Natasha Van Bemmel nvanbemmel@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Fast Transients
Wesley Van Kempen wvankempen@swinburne.edu.au PhD student
Olivia Vidal Velazquez ovidalvelazquez@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - FINK: Supernovae and machine learning
Hugo Walsh hwalsh@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Visual Discovery 
Tallulah Waterson twaterson@swinburne.edu.au PhD student - Resident Space Objects
Bailee Wolfe bwolfe@swinburne.edu.au PhD student & OzGrav Outreach Ambassador

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