Saulius Juodkazis recognised for research

In Summary
- Swinburne Professor Saulius Juodkazis has been awarded a Chang Jiang Scholar Professorship by the Ministry of Education in China
- He has been recognised for his research achievements in the areas of nanotechnology and optical physics
- The Chang Jiang scholar is considered to be China's most prestigious scholarly honour
Professor Saulius Juodkazis, Director of the Swinburne Nanofabrication Lab and Deputy Director of Centre for Micro-Photonics at Swinburne University of Technology, has been awarded a Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Professorship by the Ministry of Education in China.
Professor Juodkazis has been recognised for his outstanding achievements in the fields of nanotechnology and optical physics and has received a professorship at Jilin University in Changchun.
The Chang Jiang Scholar award, considered to be China's most prestigious scholarly honour, is presented to fifty academics each year who have made special contributions in their field of research.
Professor Juodkazis’ current research is focussed on applying principles of plasmonic light-field enhancement spectral control for applications in sensing, solid-state lighting, and solar energy conversion.
His other research achievements include:
- Contributing to the development of a three-dimensional femtosecond laser micro-fabrication for opto-fluidic, optical memory, and photonic crystal applications.
- Authoring more than 300 peer-reviewed journal papers, reviews and book chapters.
As a Chang Jiang Scholar, Professor Juodkazis will work closely with Professor Hong Bo Sun group at Jilin University on optical technologies for the fields of 3D laser printing, additive manufacturing, light extraction in light emitting diodes (LED) and light harvesting applications.
He is currently a guest professor at Jilin University and through the Chiang Jiang Scholar award he aims to further his collaboration there by expanding on joint research and student and staff exchange programs.