Become a peer mentor
Peer mentors are current Swinburne students who assist new students with settling into university life through the Peer Mentoring Program. Becoming a peer mentor is a rewarding experience and will help you develop vital leaderships skills that are valued by potential employers.
University can be a daunting experience and for many new students, it’s the first time they’ve been away from their family and friends and is often their first experience of living away from home. As a current Swinburne student, you can help to make settling into Swinburne a little easier for new starters by joining the Peer Mentoring Program.
Why become a peer mentor?
Becoming a peer mentor will enable you to:
- improve your employability by developing communication, leadership and networking stills.
- help other students fulfil their potential at university
- obtain hours that you can put towards the Student Life Volunteering Program and the Emerging Leaders Program
- open the door to becoming a peer assistant or a study group leader.
What we expect of peer mentors
Students need to meet certain criteria before applying to become a peer mentor.
You should have:
- good communication and time management skills
- an ability to regularly meet with mentees
- a willingness to share experience and encourage others
- shown successful engagement with university life
- completed a semester of study at Swinburne with satisfactory academic results.
Have more questions?
Email the Swinburne Mentors team at
Want to become a peer mentor?
Help others adjust to life at Swinburne and develop skills and relationships that can last a lifetime.