Applying for an overseas exchange
Ready to start a new adventure? Learn how you can apply for an overseas exchange. Explore a new country, experience a whole new culture and make new friends while advancing your studies by studying at one of our partner universities around the world.
Applications for the Winter, 2025 and Semester 2, 2025 exchange programs are now open!
Combine the adventure and excitement of travelling to another country while continuing your studies at one of our many partner universities. To apply for an overseas exchange, complete these steps before the application deadlines.
Upcoming exchange application timeline
Semester 2, 2025
November - January 2024
Start your exchange application, speak to a Swinburne Abroad advisor, and attend an info session
mid January - 31 January 2025
Submit your online application
31 January - late February 2025
Swinburne Abroad will assess your application
Want to apply for a future exchange intake? Jump to future application deadlines.
How to apply for an overseas exchange
To be eligible for an overseas exchange program, you must first meet the program's eligibility requirements.
Note that all students participating in an overseas exchange program are required to study a full-time equivalent course load and obtain academic approval from an Enrolment Specialist or their respective School(s).
If you plan to apply for the exchange program, it is mandatory to attend an information session, or watch a recording of one. You will learn more about the exchange program including eligibility, how to make a decision about your destination, available funding, how to apply and more.
Please register your interest and the Swinburne Abroad team will send you details for upcoming sessions, or access to a recording of a previous session.
In order to participate in an exchange program, you must receive academic credit during your studies overseas. It's important to understand your course and whether you can fit an exchange program into your degree.
Your course planner
You may refer to your course planner, which is a visual representation of the general structure of your course. Course planners contain information about:
- the core units and other units that make up your course
- the number of units you need to complete your course
- the recommended study sequence to meet course requirements.
Enter your course title and select your course start year to download your course planner.
Enrolment Specialists - course advising
Book an appointment with an Enrolment Specialist at StudentHQ to ensure you are familiar with your Swinburne course and the units you have available. These specialists can help you:
- understand the core units and elective units available in your course
- plan your course structure
- change your major or minor.
NOTE: The Enrolment Specialists team cannot assist you with unit matching or finding partner universities that offer your course. Contact Swinburne Abroad for assistance.
Picking a destination for a semester exchange (one or two semesters)
Step 1: Research
From our list of partner universities, research where you’d like to study and choose a suitable selection that meets your interests and study area.
Ask yourself these things:
- Which universities are located in your preferred country?
- Does the location teach courses in English?
- When are the university's semester/program dates? Are you applying for the correct period?
- Does the location have courses in your discipline? Are there limitations on which courses you can study as an exchange student?
- Do you meet GPA, language or study restrictions set by the partner university?
NOTE: As part of your application, you will be asked to select your first, second and third preference universities. You need to ensure that you research the offerings at your second and third preference universities to ensure they are viable back-up options for your application.
Step 2: Exchange colour categories
When picking your top 3 partner universities, you must take into consideration the colour category of our exchange partners. This system demonstrates the availability and popularity of each destination.
- Red: These universities are very popular with limited places available.
- Yellow: These universities are popular, but may have more places available compared to the red category.
- Green: These universities generally have more places available compared to the red and yellow category.
If you select a partner with a Red or Yellow category as your first preference – you may only choose Yellow or Green options for your 2nd and 3rd preferences.
Not sure where to start?
Explore our partner universities study area guide, which helps narrow down a list of partner universities based on your field of study.
Please note: This resource is intended as a guide only, as Swinburne and the partner universities' requirements, courses, and regulations can frequently change. After using this guide, you must still conduct your own research.
Picking a destination for a short-term exchange (2-6 weeks)
During our Winter (June - July) and Summer (November - February) breaks, a number of short-term courses will be offered by a selection of our partner universities.
Options will be limited compared to our Semester Exchange program and a list of offerings for each intake will be confirmed in the months before the break begins. Check out our website for an updated list of programs on offer and find information regarding eligibility, available courses, dates, deadlines, and more.
Semester exchange
Different countries and universities can have very different credit systems. The credit transfer table has been designed as a guide to assist prospective overseas exchange students when completing a proposed study plan.
The main aim of this table is to ensure students are studying the equivalent of a Swinburne full-time credit load (50 or 37.5 credit points) when studying a semester at one of our partner universities by converting the academic credit systems. It should be used as a guide only.
Short-term exchange
The credit equivalence for Short-term Exchange programs during Winter or Summer differ from the credit transfer table for Semester Exchange.
Students will study the equivalent of 12.5 or 25 credit points when studying a Short-term Exchange program. This is considered a full-time load during the Winter and Summer term.
Each program will have the credit equivalence and the units required confirmed on their individual pages on our website.
As part of your application, you are required to put together a proposed Exchange Study Plan for your first host university preference. This document is a crucial part of your application as it is used to outline the units you wish to study on Exchange and receive academic credit for.
Download and complete a proposed study plan for the exchange program you are applying for. You will be able to match and use core units or a combination of core units and electives. If you wish to receive academic credit for any core units, ensure you download and use the unit descriptions template as you complete your proposed study plan.
For an in-depth explanation, refer to the guidelines for completing your study plan document.
Note: This document should demonstrate that you have conducted research into your first preference partner university and attempted to match your classes with consideration of your degree planner. You need to ensure that your chosen partner offers the study area/classes you need.
Now that you’ve drafted your proposed exchange study plan, you can submit your online application before the application deadline. During this step, you will be required to upload your exchange study plan document.
Before submitting an application for an overseas exchange program, you will need to create or log in to your existing Swinburne Abroad profile. Once your profile is set up, you can proceed with your application.
Please note: The application period for semester exchange programs typically opens three weeks prior to the deadline. For short-term exchange programs, applications are assessed on a rolling basis and remain open until the deadline for each specific program.
Note: Offers for the semester exchange program are sent after the application deadline. Please ensure that you are regularly checking your emails after this date. This does not yet secure a place for you at your host university.
Once your application has been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation. If your application is successful, we will issue you with an offer into the Swinburne Abroad overseas exchange program. You will need to accept your offer and pay the $100 or $50 Exchange Program Fee, depending on the type of exchange program.
Additional risk management for overseas programs
As there is some risk with international travel, Swinburne has implemented more comprehensive measures to keep you safe while travelling.
This will involve additional requirements, including but not limited to:
- flexibility regarding the choice of partner university due to limited numbers of places per institution
- completion of a 'Risk Assessment Plan' – further information will be provided at later stages of the application process
- attendance at a mandatory pre-departure briefing
- program acceptance fee of A$100 or A$50
- booking flights with Swinburne's approved Travel Management company, REHO Travel
- other possible requirements as specified by Swinburne Abroad.
Swinburne Abroad will attempt to inform students of all requirements in advance; however, additional requirements and instructions may be given at any time during the exchange process.
What are the next steps?
If your application is successful, you will receive your offer into the Swinburne Abroad overseas exchange program.
After acceptance, Swinburne Abroad will work on allocating students to their host university. This is a complicated process that may take weeks.
Note that whilst we will always try to place you at your first preference, there are various factors as to why we may not be able to, including limited places, study area or language restrictions, GPA, etc. Therefore, you need to ensure you put careful consideration into choosing your second and third preference as back-up options.
After you accept your partner allocation, Swinburne Abroad will help guide you through the process of getting your academic study plan approved. This is to ensure your time overseas will give you the academic credit needed towards your Swinburne degree.
Swinburne Abroad will nominate you to the host institution and you will receive instructions on how to complete the host institution application.
Once your application has been submitted, the host institution will notify you on the outcome of your application, which could take weeks or months. In the odd instance that your application is rejected, we will try to place you at another university.
Your pre-departure requirements will be outlined to you by the Swinburne Abroad team before you leave for your exchange. You will be required to provide information and complete forms relating to risk management, flights, enrolment and more.
You will also need to attend a mandatory pre-departure session before you depart — this will cover lots of important information regarding your exchange program. It is also a great opportunity to meet other students who might be heading to the same country as you, or even the same university!
Note: There will be additional pre-departure requirements as part of Swinburne's risk management protocols. Students will be required to submit additional forms, work through a planning and risk assessment guide, and adhere to any and all risk management protocols. Details will be provided as you progress through your application.
After these steps are complete, Swinburne Abroad will amend your Swinburne enrolment prior to departure.
The adventure is about to begin! Pack your bags and get ready for an experience of a lifetime.
Bon voyage!

Swinburne students on a Short-term Exchange at School of Management Fribourg in Switzerland.
Been accepted? Apply for funding or a scholarship.
Been accepted for a semester abroad? Awesome! Before you start packing your bags and checking out Lonely Planet, you should apply for any available government funding or a scholarship you might be eligible for, to put towards your exchange program. Remember that you have to be accepted by the host institution before any eligible funding will be paid out.
Future application deadlines
A draft study plan and a completed online application (see step 6) must be submitted by the deadlines to apply for an overseas exchange.
The application period for the semester exchange program will open 3 weeks prior to the deadline.
31 July 2025
For a semester exchange in Semester 1 2026
31 January 2025
For a semester exchange in Semester 2 2025
February to April 2025
For a short-term exchange in Winter term 2025
Important information
These deadlines are Swinburne Abroad deadlines, which can be weeks to months prior to the partner university's deadline. This allows enough time for Swinburne Abroad to receive and assess applications, nominate students and work directly with the partner university.
Interested in studying abroad?
Our friendly and well-travelled Swinburne Abroad team can help answer any questions about our overseas study programs.