Key information

Destination: Colombo, Sri Lanka

Dates: 1 - 14 December 2024

Program Cost: Approx. $3,800 + airfares


  • 18 x $3,000 New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants are available for eligible students
  • $9,504 OS-HELP Loans are available for eligible students

Program Eligibility: Undergraduate Health Sciences students

Application Deadline: 31 August 2024


Health is a basic human right; however the understanding of health and the design of the healthcare system can differ from country to country. In this study tour, students will explore the conceptualisation of health through the lens of another culture, as well as understand the healthcare system framework of a country outside of Australia where Indigenous health practices play a significant role in medicine.

This study tour provides students with a holistic and immersive cross-cultural learning experience on various aspects of health in Sri Lanka, one of Australia’s Asia-Pacific neighbours. Through academic seminars delivered, cultural activities and cross-cultural exchange with people in Sri Lanka, students will learn about health and healthcare through hands-on experiential learning.

By participating in the study tour activities, students will consider how to balance and integrate western and non-western conceptualisations of health and healthcare, reflect upon the social determinants that influence health and healthcare access, and how these apply to multicultural contexts for health in Australia, as well as healthcare globally. Furthermore, there are opportunities to engage in peer learning with Sri Lankan post-secondary students, thus building cross-cultural sharing of knowledge and intercultural communication skills.


  • Cultural activities such as learning Singhalese and exploring sites of historical significance in Sri Lanka
  • Peer mentoring opportunities with local college students studying health
  • Immersive activities in health

Academic Information

Which unit/s can this program be taken for as credit?


Can this unit be taken as an elective by students in any Swinburne degree?



Students must have successfully completed at least 150 credit points in a health-related discipline with an undergraduate degree. Applicants will be expected to submit a personal statement highlighting their motivation and learning aspirations in participating in the study tour (further detail will be provided during the Study Tour Information Session).

Sigiriya Rock Sri Lanka

Program Cost

The cost of this program is approximately AU$3,800 + flights (out of pocket after scholarship is $800 + airfares) .

See below for the list of inclusions and exclusions of the program fee.


  • Accommodation
  • Breakfasts
  • Welcome and Farewell Dinner
  • Ground transport
  • Travel Insurance


  • International airfares
  • Visa
  • Academic tuition fees (unit costs)
  • Most meals
  • Personal expenses


New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants

This program has 18 x A$3,000 Australian Government New Colombo Plan grants. These grants are available to Australian undergraduate students (with no citizenship or residency rights to Sri Lanka), who have not previously received more than one NCP short-term grant.


Eligible Australian students can apply for an Australian Government OS-HELP Loan of up to A$9,504 to help cover costs associated with your overseas program. Plus, up to $1,263 to complete Asian language study in preparation for your study tour in Asia.

For more information on funding and eligibility, see Fee Help and Scholarships.

Information Sessions

To attend an information session, register your interest and we'll send you further details.

Upcoming information sessions

23 August 2024, 12:30 - 1:30 pm | Location: Online

29 August 2024, 1:00 - 2:00 pm | Location: BA808

Register your interest


Keen to apply? You can submit your application now. Applications will be assessed after the application deadline.

Final application deadline: 31 August 2024
Apply now

For further details on this program please contact:

Faith Kwa
Senior Lecturer and Course Director
9214 5761

Alastair De Rozario
Mobility Adviser – Study Tours

Join us on the next tour

Register your interest and we'll get back to you with the next steps.
