Register for AccessAbility Services
If you live with a disability, medical, mental health condition, or you are a primary carer of a person with a disability, you can register for AccessAbility Services. To register, please complete the following three-step process.
Step 1: Check to see if you're eligible
To be eligible for AccessAbility Services, you must meet the following guidelines:
1. be an enrolled student at Swinburne in a higher education, vocational education, Swinburne Online, Open Universities Australia, apprenticeship, distance education or short course
2. have deferred or paid the applicable fees for your course
3. have either:
- a disability (temporary or permanent, constant or occasional) arising from an impairment, mental health or medical condition as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) s 4(1)
- be a primary carer who provides personal care, support and help to another individual who is living with a disability, medical condition, including terminal or chronic illness, mental illness or is frail and aged as defined by the Carer Recognition Act 2010 (Cth) s 5 (1).
Step 2: Complete the AccessAbility Registration Form with a health professional
If you meet eligibility guidelines, you and your treating health professional must complete the AccessAbility Services Registration Form.
Health professionals include:
- medical specialists
- psychiatrists
- psychologists
- general practitioners
- mental health social workers
- physiotherapists
- occupational therapists
- speech pathologists
- educational psychologists
For the assessment of learning disabilities, please consult a field-specific health professional as follows:
- Dyslexia, Language-based Dysgraphia or Dyscalculia: you must consult a psychologist with significant experience in the field of education
- Motor-Based Dysgraphia or Developmental Coordination Disorder: you must consult an occupational therapist
- Specific Language Impairments: you must consult a speech pathologist.
Your documentation should have information dated:
- from the last two (2) weeks for a temporary condition
- from the last six (6) months for a fluctuating condition
- after the age of 16 years old for a learning disability
No date is required for a permanent and stable disability.
Registration form:
To register, please complete either one of the following registration forms:
AccessAbility Services registration form [DOCX 64KB]
AccessAbility Services registration form [PDF 155KB]
AccessAbility Services may request additional information to determine reasonable adjustments or to review or make changes to your Education Access Plan (EAP).
Alternative formatting for learning materials
If you need alternative print formatting, please also complete the Alternative Formatting of Learning Materials form.
Apply for alternative formatting of learning materials [DOCX 47KB]
Step 3: Register with AccessAbility Services
Once you have completed the registration form with your health professional, please scan and email the document to
For Swinburne online students, email the document to
Alternatively, you can post it to:
AccessAbility Services
PO Box 218
Internal Mail (H22)
Hawthorn VIC 3122
Once we’ve received your registration form, we’ll contact you to make an appointment.
Please note that it can take up to four weeks to put adjustments in place. We may be unable to coordinate specific adjustments (alternative formatting, notetaking, etc.) without sufficient notice.
Need further assistance?
Our friendly team is here to help if you need any assistance registering for our services.