Embrace Change (of Preference)

ATAR season’s in full swing and three words loom large: Change of Preference or ‘COP’, as the friendly folk at VTAC like to call it. No, we’re not talking law enforcement. But maybe you’re thinking of studying law at uni next year. Or design. Or nursing. Or engineering. Or any one of the many amazing courses we offer.
Choose Swinburne
Go with the university offering you real industry experience. Call us on 1300 794 628 (option 2) or email us.
What are Change of Preference and Offer Rounds?
Change of Preference (COP) is the period before each uni offer round when you can change your course preferences to something more suitable. Offer Rounds are when VTAC sends out course offers on behalf of unis – you’ll receive just one offer per round. (They run throughout January, right up until the end of February). If you get an offer, you can accept it or wait until the next Change of Preference period and go again.
Change of Preference can lead to beautiful things. Like the course you never knew you wanted to study. Or the career you never knew existed. Oh, the possibilities! The point is, you’re not locked into one option. And you can change your mind as much as you like as long as it’s within the designated timeframe.
Still confused? Check this out.
Throughout this crazy period in your life, the thing to keep ABSOLUTE top of mind is that if you don’t get the offer you want in any of the rounds, there are still other ways to get into uni. Good luck!
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Change of Preference
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