Student-Staff Consultative Committee (SSCC) in each School serve as a consultative and advisory forum for discussing student experience matters, including academic support, communication, and input into School activities and initiatives. SSCCs facilitate student engagement and promote consultation on relevant issues.

As an SSCC member, you will be the contact and voice of students in your School, and attend a minimum of 2 meetings per semester or as needed. You will work collaboratively with the other SSCC members and your School's Academic Directors to contribute to projects that enhance the student experience at Swinburne. You will gain leadership experience that you can put on your CV and will enhance your employability.

The SSCCs are established in each School to: 

  • Provide a forum for discussion of and consultation on matters relevant to students in the School
  • Without limiting the above, provide a forum for the consideration of academic support and wellbeing requirements of students in the School
  • Support communication between students and management in the School
  • Enable students to be updated on University decisions affecting them
  • Facilitate liaison with students on student experience matters
  • Promote consultation on and input into a range of School and University activities and initiatives such as orientation and transition programs, student mobility opportunities, scholarships, prizes and awards
  • Consider other relevant matters referred to the SSCC by the Dean or the DVC EEE.

To express interest in joining your School’s SSCC, please contact the relevant mailbox. 

School  Email
School of Business, Law and Economics SSCC
School of Design and Architecture SSCC
School of Engineering SSCC
School of Health Sciences
School of Science, Computing and Engineering Technologies SSCC
School of Social Sciences, Media, Film and Education SSCC

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