Services for researchers
Publish and promote your research, meet your funder mandates and learn about copyright guidelines.
Build and promote your research profile
Find advice on citation metrics as well as publishing and profile development options for Swinburne researchers.
Research funding obligations
Find out about using your institutional repository to meet funder open access obligations.
Learn about copyright for researchers
Find out about copyright guidelines (login required) to ensure you’re complying with copyright law in your research.
Easily store and manage your references as well as create bibliographies using this tool.
Inter-library loans
Need to access material not currently held at Swinburne Library? Find out more about requesting an inter-library loan.
Learn about Swinburne’s institutional repository
Share and publish your works for Open Access in Swinburne figshare.
Learn how Swinburne manages research information
You can find information and resources to assist you with navigating funding, policy and ethical requirements on our dedicated research intranet (login required).
Search for Swinburne or other university theses
Search for higher-degree theses from Swinburne, other Australian universities and international universities.
Contact the library
For all enquiries and feedback, please email library@swinburne.edu.au or call 1300 794 628. Alternatively, complete this form so our team members can get in touch with you.