How to become an architect
As an architect you can design the future you want to live in. There’s just one question… how do you become an architect?
Key career takeaways
- Pay of A$1,674 (median weekly pay)*
- Architects are in demand — employers found it hard to fill job vacancies for architects in 2018
- Architects are considered to be very highly skilled.
Did your lego constructions look better than everyone else’s when you were growing up? Do you look up in wonder at funky buildings and think about designing your own? Well then, you might be ready to become an architect.
Now, it’s all about taking the right steps to get you there.
*Data sourced from JobOutlook.gov.au.
1. Your bachelor degree
To become an architect, you’ll need to get yourself an accredited degree in architecture. This usually means completing a degree in design with a major in architecture.
Our architecture courses are all about preparing you to design the future you want to live in.
We want our built environments to be created by architects who draw on lessons from the past, while embracing new technology that’s capable of building a sustainable future. This is why we focus on educating students with the traditional skills of an architect while encouraging innovation.
2. Master of Architecture
Yes, the rumours are true — it’s crucial future architects get their Master of Architecture. You’ll not only need it to register as an architect through the Architects Registration Board in your state, but it’ll also give you the advanced skills and knowledge you’ll use throughout your career.
If you want to take your education a step further, broaden your employment prospects, and address the challenges of mass urbanisation by designing healthy cities you can complete a joint Master of Architecture and Urban Design.
3. Preparing for registration
You’ll hear it all the time, that learning on-the-job is one of the best ways to adapt to your chosen career — architecture is no different. This is why architects complete two years of ‘monitored experience’ with an architectural firm and sit an examination in architectural practice set by the Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA) before they are able to register as architects.
4. Register with the Architects Registration Board
You’re almost there. You’ve completed your study, your work experience and you’ve passed the AACA exam, now it’s time to register with the Architects Registration Board in the state or territory where you’ll practise.
Registering will enable you to practise architecture. You’ll be an architect.
“I learned quickly and outside my comfort zone. The opportunity to travel to New Zealand for a class project showed the benefits of real life architecture and gave me a sense of satisfaction. The workshops and supportive staff helped me turn my ideas into reality.”
Nicholas, Bachelor of Design
The Good Universities Guide 2019
Swinburne is rated Victoria’s best “overall experience” by undergraduate architecture students in The Good Universities Guide 2019.
Undergraduate architecture students also ranked Swinburne second in Victoria for "teaching quality" with a score of 80.3%.
Interested in joining Victoria's best undergraduate architecture experience?
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