Cancellation of enrolment
Fees and loans
This process occurs if your enrolment is cancelled due to becoming ineligible for a student loan or failure to pay tuition fees.
We may cancel your enrolment when you either:
- become ineligible for an existing government loan
- fail to pay tuition fees that are not covered by a government loan by the due date, as listed in your Statement of Account.
Cancellation of enrolment process
Step 1. We will send correspondence to your personal and Swinburne email addresses advising you:
- the fee or compliance issue
- how to resolve the issue
- the due date by when you must resolve the issue
- the intended cancellation date
- how to contact us to discuss the issue.
Step 2. We will confirm by email if any further agreement on resolution dates or requirements is made with you.
Step 3. If the issue is not resolved by the communicated due date we will confirm your enrolment cancellation and date.
Step 4. We cancel your enrolment on the cancellation date.
What else do I need to know?
You will be unable to self-manage your enrolment, receive transcripts for results or graduate during the cancellation process.
You will have 28 days from the initial communication date to initiate a grievance process, via the complaints and feedback page, if required. The cancellation will take effect after the grievance process has been completed.
If you resolve the issue after cancellation, you may be able to re-enrol into future teaching periods to recommence your study.
Have a question or need more assistance?
If you need help understanding the enrolment cancellation process, we’re here to support you. You can:
- find more info at Get advice on fees
- search the FAQs
- visit studentHQ on your campus
- call studentHQ on 1300 794 628.