PrimeSCI! Live-Streamed Science Webinars
Take part in 40-minute group online sessions packed with interesting activities that can be done at home or in the classroom.
Bookings now open for online science incursions
PrimeSCI! delivers exciting and powerful STEM programs to ignite curiosity and develop the next generation of scientists.
All lessons support Victorian Curriculum and are conducted within COVIDsafe Guidelines.
See our online science lessons in action

Virtual science lessons
Explore forces and motion through the properties of toys. Learn the concepts of push, pull, friction and gravity through familiar experiences and observations.
Help the Three Little Piggies choose better building materials! Become a Material Scientist to learn about the different properties of ordinary and amazing materials. What happens when we change the shape of materials?
This delightful hands-on session will draw children into the world of chemistry and engineering as they explore the phenomena of dissolving and crystallisation, and make colourful discoveries with materials sourced from around the house.
Explore how planet Earth’s temperature, atmosphere and water cycle make it ideal for supporting life. Make your own planet in a cup and watch it transform at home!
This activity-filled and noisy session is designed to help children discover for themselves the fundamentals of sound and light as they manipulate these two energies.
Our lives are changing because of something we cannot see. But the unseen have always been around and we have found ways of living with them on our amazing planet. Explore the incredible world of microbes (and viruses), see the impact they have on our everyday life and understand why we must do the things we are asked to do now to protect ourselves and one another.
It's time to dust off your fidget spinners and yo-yos or make your own, pre-session! This fast-paced session will frame student understanding of forces and how they interact. Learn the role of gravity, friction and magnetism in making objects move faster than the speed of sound.
Solids, liquids and gases – and we introduce two other states of matter! Enter the world of atoms and molecules to find out more about the world we live in.
Big ideas like conduction, convection and radiation are learnt through play as children uncover the heat in everyday things like keeping doors closed, wearing jumpers and hot air balloons.
Explore the world of plastics and go beyond looking at plastics as just waste materials that can be recycled. Make your own slime, shrink some plastic and discover more about these useful materials.
Discover the hidden life in our creeks and rivers. Learn about the impact from humans and the simple things we can all do to keep freshwater habitats healthy. Presented by the Healthy Rivers, Healthy Bay Team. Book online.

PrimeSCI! Online Science Workshops
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Book your class for a virtual primary school science incursion.